Transportation In The 1800s Essay

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The legal framework of the United States set up a great opportunity for new Americans to expand and develop the rest of, what we know now as, the United States. One Massachusetts congressman was all for the expansion by saying, “Our natural boundary is th Pacific Ocean, the swelling tide of our population must and will roll on until that mighty ocean interposes its waters” (376, Henretta). Many colinists were wanting to expand to other territories west of the Union. An ordinance named the North West Ordinace, was put into place in July of 1787, allowing for territories to apply for statehood. People wanted a strong centeral government, but wanted to be their own state rather than just expanding the existing states. There was a certain amount …show more content…

Imrovemnents in technology and transporation throughout history have always allowed for rapid growth. There was a lot of trading happening up and down the Mississippi River, so when the steamboat was invited, it changed the way trade happened on the river. Goods and even people were moved more efficiently between cities. Because the steamboat was such a great invention, people thought envisioned all of the U.S. covered with canals enabling easy and quick transportation. The Erie canal was started in early 1800’s with the goal of connecting the lakes in Michaign with the Atlantic ocean by the means of the Huddson river as well. Because of the completion of the canal, trade was cheaper and quicker between New York and the sourrounding states. The imporvemnets of the printing press also allowed for more trase to happen between states. Maybe the greatest influence in transportation were the railroads. This allowed goods to be taken all the way across the United States, lowering the cost and time of transported goods. Travel for people was also easier because of the railways. With this possible, people were more comfortable in moving away from families because they knew it would not take long to go back and visit. Thanks to this new way of transportation, it made life easier for

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