Transparency In Law Enforcement Essay

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With the sensationalizing journalism, such as Ferguson, Baltimore, and New York City, to name a few, takes away what occurs in the rural areas and forces law enforcement to focus majority it’s resources and time on the more urban areas. An example would be the sensationalizing of the way some minorities feel that all police are biased and wrongly target specific groups based on stereotypes and incorrect characterizations. The twenty-four (24) hour news and entertainment cycle that disseminates and emphasizes certain incidents to attract viewership and inflame communities on both sides of the issues (Barton, 2011). What is needed is calm and reasoned dialog out of the glare of cameras and reporters between our elected leaders and the community to establish common ground and lines of communication so that when bad things happen, and they will, everyone has confidence that there will be transparency in the rule of law will be followed. With that being said the changing attitudes and expectations of the American public has been and most always will be safety. The American people want the assurance that they will be secure in their homes, work place, their children can go the school, …show more content…

With new laws come new jail sentences, which comes with a fiscal impact which in turn impacts the taxpayer, so that becomes an issue if programs are not funded, but put into place as an unfunded mandate. Increasing size of the jail population, data suggest that federal, state, and local correctional facilities house over 2.3 million offenders daily (Carlson & Garrett, 2008, p. 19) however during lean budget years state departments are asked to cut 3.5% out of a budget made up mainly of salary workers (Boucher,

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