Transgender Hormone Therapy Research Paper

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What does it truly mean to be happy in your skin? In this day and age society seems to dictate what that should mean for everyone. We like to tell others how they should live their life; how they should dress, act, and feel based on what sex they were born as. Everyone is trying to be happy in their own body; society should be working together to create that for everyone not discriminating. When someone is transgender it means they are relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex. Transgender hormone therapy, also sometimes called cross-sex hormone therapy, is a form of hormone replacement therapy in which sex hormones and other hormonal medications are administered to transgender or gender variant individuals for the purpose of more closely aligning their secondary sexual characteristics. When someone is transfeminine they were born male but identify as female. When someone is transmasculine they were born female but identify as a male. There are six different surgeries a transgender may …show more content…

However, authors of the new guidelines are considering striking that age requirement so children could begin hormone therapy earlier, says NBC (2017). Some doctors are now recommending kids are off a puberty blocker by the time they turn fourteen. It can save them from potential side effects such as weakening of bones. They then have a choice to take hormones or do stay off drugs and transition naturally. If the individual choose to use a medication that can put puberty on pause as long as they haven't progressed too far they may be able to complete physical changes without surgery. There are six different surgeries one may inquire depending on their situation. The tree transfeminine are facial feminization surgery, bottom surgery, and top surgery. The those who are transmasculine have the same three, but to fit their surgical

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