Transgender Bathroom Essay

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Should a transgender person be allowed to use the bathroom that they identify with or the gender that is on their birth certificate. A transsexual is a person who self-identifies opposite their birth sex. One who alters their bodies through surgery or hormones, including going from male-to-female or female-to-male. This also includes people who are yet to have surgery and those who are post surgery. The gender identity should not be legally allowed to use the bathroom of the gender he/she identifies with because it could possibly make the “normal person” for lack of a better word uncomfortable and there could be people who will fake being transgender. Transgenders are legally allowed to use the bathroom, locker room, or any other gender identified …show more content…

Many male stalkers claim to be transgender woman in order to victimize women in restrooms. In the article Beyond Bathrooms- Meeting the Health of Transgender People, states that many state legislators are concerned with trans people being “sexual predators” and “pedophiles”. This shows that having transgender people go into and use the bathroom of the gender they identify with us not a good idea. There should be a third non-gendered, one person bathroom that anyone is able to use. This type of restroom should be put in schools, gas stations, as well as any and all areas that are open to the general public. While transgenders should not be able to use gender identified public facilities, they should not be bullied, or harassed in any kind of way because while they are transgender they are people. They breathe, they have feelings. That is why the government needs to put laws in place to help them, and make them part of our regular society, and to make them feel welcome. Looking back false transgender identification and accommodating to the public have been addressed. Those problems should be addressed but that does not mean that transgenders are to be made

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