Transcontinental Railroad Research Paper

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THE TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD- THE AMERICAN WAY By: Akash Gokul Sacramento, CA., May 10,1879 -- As the whistle of the train reverberated from Omaha, Nebraska to Sacramento, California, the idea of a greater, more interconnected future glistened before the eyes of Americans. All in all, the past decade has displayed that the Transcontinental Railroad serves to be more than a mere advancement in the locomotive industry. Spanning 1,775 miles of American land and needing approximately six years to build, the Transcontinental Railroad was far from a small feat. Its paramount nature is heightened considering the fact that it was built within 60 years after the debut of the first steam locomotive in this country in 1830. After said debut, …show more content…

However, regional sectionalism prevented a bill from being passed, since there was much disagreement about whether the railroad would pass through the North or South. However, the proposal was still viewed as an important issue. The ideal path was determined in 1860 to be through the treacherous Donner Pass in Northern California. By 1861, a young engineer named Theodore Judah, the discoverer of said path, had recruited a number of Sacramento investors to fund the Central Pacific Railroad Company. Later, a bill providing for the transcontinental railroad was signed in 1861 by President Abraham Lincoln. Said bill divided the building of the transcontinental railroad between the aforementioned Central Pacific and the recently formed Union …show more content…

The great expanse of our nation can now be viewed as one entity instead of a highly regional, sectional confederation marred by transportation and communication problems. More than that, the country gained a moral victory as well. Following the tumult of the Civil War, our country seemed more than ever a forced conglomeration of vastly disparate Northern and Southern regions. Easier travel, communications, and the seeming unification of the nation made every “American” feel more like an “American” than a “Northerner” or “Southerner.” This innovation, truly a testament to the uniquely American way, will serve to inspire more technological advancement. Who knows- perhaps one day soon it will be possible to travel from Richmond to Sacramento and back before suppertime. In the future, this mechanism will likely be refined and improved, as is the resilient, innovative nature of this great

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