Tragic Hero: A Short Story

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The sun was setting against the autumn sky. Cold air blew around me as I looked across the wide open sea. A ship appeared out of the mist that had gathered at the wavy surface of the ocean. I smiled a glimmer of happiness as I glanced down upon my young 9 year old boy beside me. His father, who was a great captain of a mighty ocean vessel, was finally coming home.

It seemed like years until the ship docked on the shore. I ran with my son in tow, toward the ship, anxious to see my long awaited husband. I called to him as I ran up the slimy wet plank. Why was he not answering? Surely he must have missed me as much as I missed him! Suddenly, the first mate grabbed my shoulders. His eyes showed signs of tears unshed. “No!” I yelled. “No, …show more content…

Nothing, not a single clue was found. I was beginning to give up hope. Surely someone had seen him if he had been kidnapped. As the dawn arose, I looked out across the sea, and saw a ship! The ship grew closer and closer till I could finally see tiny people scattered along the deck. Maybe they had seen my husband! The ship master and I scurried across the moss covered plank and we rested our feet upon a huge ship. I looked up and saw the crew looking at me with wild in their eyes. “Where is the Captain?” I shouted. “I am over here Missy.” I turned around and the ugliest man I have ever seen walked toward me with a weird smile. “What do you want upon this fine vessel?” “I am looking for my husband.” I said. As I began to tell him about what had happened his face grew very hard. “I know the man you are looking for.” He said. “He is marooned on an island of cannibals. You will never see him again.” He stated bluntly. “Where is this island? I must find him.” As he told me where the island was located, he gave me a warning. “Be careful, Missy. The men who marooned your husband are not going to be happy about you rescuing him.” I nodded my thanks as I crossed back over onto my ship. The ship master yelled at the crew to change course for the little island. As I looked over the sea, I prayed that God would help me find the love of my life before someone else

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