Traffic System In Egypt Essay

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As a person who has a driving license from Egypt as well as from the U.S. Traffic system means to me is traffic lights, road lanes, signals also how people deal with it. It supposed to be an international system. From my experience, it differs from one country to another. I am going to highlight the differences between U.S and Egypt in terms of: driver 's behaviors, police reaction and road maintenance. In Egypt, the drivers ' behavior differ from U.S in terms of speed limits, road signs ' obedience and the dealing with pedestrians. There is neither respect for the speed limits in highway nor in Interior Street. They are always in a hurry and passing another car from the right side is very normal. They rarely make use of converting signals from lane to another. For example, when the driver wants to move from the right lane to left one instead of giving a yellow signal he jumps to lane without signaling. I cannot remember seeing a driver stopping his car when there is a stop sign. We will not surprise when somebody drives in the wrong …show more content…

There are traffic lights and white and yellow lines that specified lanes in Egypt. But it is not as many as in U.S. it is less in number and quality and not well organized. Egyptian maintenance is poor. It happened that somebody steal the sewer manhole cover which is in the middle of the street and it will be left just like that without taking care of it which caused serious car accident and damages. Maintenance agency will put neither new cover, nor putting signals that alarm drivers. The maintenance system in U.S is largely advanced comparing with the Egyptians ' one. It runs smoothly, seriously and with high professionalism. I can feel there is an agency who is watching the condition of the surface, signals and lines. If there is anything wrong with it, they will fix

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