Traditional Family Definition

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In todays society, the term family has multiple definitions. These definitions range from traditional values that were seen on television in the 1950s to values that are upheld in most families in the 21st century. In this essay I will determine that although there may be definitions of a traditional (real) family and non-traditional (problem) families, that these definitions should not define families. This essay will explore these definitions on both a global and Australian perspective and will argue that as society changes, the definition of what a family is must also change.

A ‘real’ family, or a family that upholds traditional values, is defined as a social group consisting of a husband, a wife and their children.(Hamburg 1993). Using an objective sociological approach what makes a traditional family is the ideologies of the stereotypical 1950s television show (Bianchi 2011) . Like these shows, the male is usually the income earner for the family, whilst the wife stays at home with the children and cooks and cleans for her husband(Tallack 1996). From a young age, gender bias occurs with boys playing with trucks and girls with kitchen set and baby dolls. Guided by gender and nurture, children brought up with these traditional values often follow in suit of their parents(Tallack 1996). Marriage is also consulted by the parents. ‘Every child desired the blessing of the parents before undertaking such a venture. Marriage is seen as a union between two families’ (Iruonagbe Chiazor and Ajayi 2013). However these traditional approaches to marriage are not true in the 21st century. As society changes, so do the values and traditions of each family. Now, it is often seen that women are bread winners of the family and some men...

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...or and Ajayi 2013) ‘ the family is a group of persons related by kinship, residence, or close emotional attachment and it displays four systemic features- intimate interdependence, selective boundary maintenance, ability to adapt to change and maintain their identity over time’. From the evidence above it is simple to say that there is no longer a traditional view of families. Countries such as China, USA and Australia all had versions of traditional families that had been influenced manipulated and changed as societal views changed through sole- parenting, same sex couples and both male and female income earners. Although ‘problem’ families are still relevant in society, they are no longer seen as problematic, but rather a social normality. Traditional families are now history and a new tradition is beginning with what used to be considered a ‘problem’ family.

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