Tracy In Se7en Film Sociology

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Tracy in Se7en can be used as an example as a member of society who believes there is much more crime taking place in the unnamed city than their actually is because she questions Somerset of whether or not it’s a safe city one morning when they met for coffee and states that she, “Hates this city” because she believes it truly is a terrible place full of crime and uncertainty.
Race and Policing Typically, many people would not picture a man of colour in a police officer role and would imagine them on the opposite side of the law because of stereotypes in our society that make citizens believe people of colour are more likely to commit crime. Furthermore, as Leitzel (2001) states that “young black males, tend to have much worse experience with police” such as frequent traffic stops and the use of …show more content…

The portrayal of solely white officers continued for much of the early cop films and if there by chance has a nonwhite officer they were always displayed as less competent and never the one capable of catching their suspect. This was seen until the film Se7en was released as Morgan Freeman was the first African American to be the lead detective and better officer in a film. This began to be possible because of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s which wanted to end segregation within society. African Americans banned together with some white radicals to try to gain rights for all citizens become one society (Boyle, 2005). Through the many years of struggle until 1968 at the end of the Civil Rights Movement African American have gained many rights they deserve and even many years after the movement are still fighting for the respect that they merit. Even though, situations for African American citizens still have much

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