Tracking Is An Assault On Liberty, By Nicholas Carr

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Privacy is Nonexistent in Cyberspace Privacy is becoming rare as our society continues to become more industrialized and move towards a society hyper-focused on technology. Nicholas Carr explains this obsession with technology in his essay “Tracking Is an Assault on Liberty.” He identifies three dangers that are present in today’s internet society that are: personal data can fall into the wrong hands easily, personal information may be used to influence our behavior, and personal privacy is eroding and may lead us as a society to devalue the concept of privacy. These dangers are not only possible but they are seen in our world today. The dangers of the internet continue to spread and cause massive effects on the way people interact and socialize. Carr explains, “Most of use view personalization and privacy …show more content…

This can be seen by how the internet can influence us by the information that have obtained and how the lack of privacy on the internet is establishing a belief that the lack of privacy is not an issue. The internet influencing the world drastically is seen in the quote, “As marketing pitches and products offerings become more tightly tied to our past patterns of behavior, they become more powerful as triggers of future behavior.” This quote explains how companies and other sources can predict our future by our past purchases, visits, and comments. Another problem that can occur is the loss of liberty due to the limited freedom on the web. This loss of freedom is shown in the quote, “The greatest danger posed by the continuing erosion of personal privacy is that it may lead us as a society to devalue the concept of privacy, to see it as outdated and unimportant.” This quote reveals that the loss of freedom on the internet can result in much larger losses of freedom in other aspects of our daily

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