Towra Point Essay

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Towra Point Nature Reserve is a place of many different land habitats. It is located in Southern Sydney, New South Wales, in eastern Australia. It produces the largest estuarine wetland complex in NSW and is a protected nature reserve. It Represents around half of the remaining mangrove area near Sydney, and most of the salt marshes area remaining in the region as well. They are also most likely one of the most major contributors to the food web within Botany Bay and provide habitat for many important fish and different invertebrate species of the bay. (SSEC, 2013) This Report will inform the features of the Towra Points ecosystem, its animals and plants’ adaptations, Results that were collected from an excursion to the location, abundance for mangroves and animals, and also the effects of humans on this nature reserve. Study Area - Towra Point Towra Point is a very important and significant wetland in the Sydney, New South Wales region, it is also important at a international and national level. Towra Point Nature Reserve is approximately 16 kilometres south of Sydney, and is at the mouth of the Georges River which is in Botany Bay. Towra Point includes important terrestrial vegetation and wildlife habitats, and is …show more content…

Mangrove roots collect sediments and slow down the water's flow, helping to protect the coastline and preventing erosion overtime. Over a long period of time, the roots can collect enough debris and mud to extend the edge of the coastline further out. Mangroves are teeming with life. Shorebirds, Soldier Crabs, Crab-Eating Monkeys, and fishing cats all make the mangrove home or habitat. Mangroves provide a safe place to live or home and a nursery for a variety of fish, birds, crustaceans, and

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