Totalitarianism In 1984

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The current number of CCTVs should schock the average citizen. Did you know that there are over 30 million cameras in just the United States? In the U.K. 4.2 million, that is 14 per citizen! Some 40 billion hours of surveillance at taking place here in the United States and that is only in one week! (Popular Science) With cameras in every Americans Public School surveillance starts in childhood and ends at death. How is this different from 1984? In this Orwellian, draconian depiction of the future, totalitarian regimes have taken over the world and divided it into 3 segments. 1984 takes place in Oceania which would be the North American segment. In this novel, much like Animal Farm, Orwell paints a terrifying version of the world with the …show more content…

In the novel the word used was propaganda, the false stories feed to the people by the government controlled media. This is not new, we know from history several totalitarian and corrupt regimes have deployed this means to control the will of the people. Yes, the Constitution ensures us a free press, but could it stop the insidious Russian Trolls from hacking our facebook profiles and planting stories on social media to mislead us during the 2016 election - NO! There is considerable evidence to support the fact that Russia played our freedom against us planting subliminally suggestive stories to shift our support, opinions, fears, and voting behaviors. So, although, our current government is not misusing social media, events have now shown us it is possible. Further, special prosecutors are now investigating the possibility that the political parties themselves may have committed similar infracions to our privacy. It is safe to say that Americans must be on their guard to protect their right to privacy. To fact check their news and to, as the Constitution says, “.. ensure our liberty to ourselves and our …show more content…

is the last of the technology that could be hanisly used against “we the people.” With 40 billion hours of surveillance collected by week in America alone, it is safe to say that this generation of American are the most watched in history. Additionally, is it reasonable to assume that the government could and does spy on its people - that is a foregone conclusion to the average modern American. With cameras in every public building, monument, courthouse, and public school, not to mention the multitudes of American businesses that employ surveillance to protect their businesses, it could even be possible for American business to analyse our behaviors to use against us if they really wanted. Consequently, it is the strength of the Constitution and the discipline of generations of teachings that has keep this from being overly abused, but it would be naive to think it was not possible to be used from nefarious intentions to seize our freedoms from us. Americans must be on their guard and never take their rights for granted, exercising them daily to protect them from being stripped away from

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