Total Quality Management: External And Total Quality Management

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Total Quality Management

The term was coined in the ‘50s and became popular in the ‘80s. It is viewed by some as a drastic management style. A robust TQM plan depends on external and internal team building. The leadership level and the organizational culture have to blend well together. If they don’t, the process should be implemented only when precise assessment and positive circumstances exist. TQM is the techniques a company uses to raise the service quality and production efficiency. It involves solid teamwork and is implemented horizontally within a business. Typically all internal employees and departments are included. The same applies for externals such as suppliers and current and potential customers. The fundamental goal …show more content…

The skill of the leader to create a strong fundament, grow and drive long-term vision for a company, always focused on customer satisfaction, are steered by consistent core standards and principles. Total quality management accomplishes its aims in a company by continuous leadership practice and a purpose, communicative teams and a complete commitment by the management which focuses on customer needs (Prajogo, 2010). In the management system of today, a number of issues are being solved in a case-by-case manner which results often in low organizational efficiency. TQM bests set forth directions and create a holistic customer-oriented attitude under clear and perceptible values based on high expectations. The successful TQM leader makes sure that strategies are well formulated (Beecroft, 2012); standards and techniques for attaining outstanding performance are developed in order to stimulate work distinction, know-how build-up and competences in employees. The leaders act as role models by showing high levels of commitment, involvement in planning and communication with the workforce (Kruger,

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