Torture, Interrogation, and the Fine Line between Them

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Torture is defined as the act of intentionally inflicting physical or psychological pain or possible injury to a human or animal. We would like to believe that torture is not common but it can be. Torture’s definition can be opinionated. When does torture become torture? Interrogation is interviewing with the intent on getting a confession or incriminating information. However, sometimes interrogation is more than just an interview. Interrogation can become physical and can be considered torture by some. Regardless of opinion on what torture is considered, it still exists today. is a website primarily used for entertainment and social network. There are different parts of the website called subreddits. They are forums for certain ideas or activities. They range from running to confessions. “/r/watchpeopledie” is one of those subreddits. As one could assume, it is a subreddit where death pictures and videos are commonly posted and viewed. Videos are posted almost daily of horrific deaths, some of which involve torture. Videos including torture primarily involve the drug car...

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