Torso Of Aphrodite Essay

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From the ornamented caves of the prehistoric era to the surreal colors of impressionistic paintings, art has always been a medium for conveying human thoughts and emotions. By analyzing this artwork, much can be learned about human history, tendencies, psychology, culture, and the like. For instance, by comparing a sunken relief of Horus—considered to be the Egyptian god of the sky, sun, and war—with the Torso of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, many hidden intricacies of Egyptian and Grecian civilization as well as the motives of the artists themselves can be revealed. Each piece of artwork was created in the same general time period (they are both ancient), composed of different materials, guided by social standards, and composed of a spiritual aura; within these similarities, however, lay a myriad of unique features.
To better compare the sunken relief of Horus and the Torso of Aphrodite, the backgrounds of these pieces must be first taken into account. Each piece of artwork can be broken down into two parts: the type of art which it is and its subject matter. The sunken reli...

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