Tonight The Streets Are Ours Arden Character Analysis

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Unpopular opinion time. In my review policy, I specifically state that I am going to be honest with my reviewing – and this is going to be one of those times when it hurts. You know the pain when you’re excited for something and then it lets you down faster than you partners in a group project ever could? Yea, well, this was one of those times. I had such high hopes for Tonight the Streets Are Ours, the cover is gorgeous, the synopsis was intriguing, and there was some serious marketing going on before this book was released – but the book itself failed on epic proportions. I hate giving bad reviews, I have this inadvertent need to love every single book, so when I can’t make myself like it – tolerate it even – no matter how hard I try, it …show more content…

I hate Lindsey, I mean, what kind of idiot stores pot in their locker that they share with their honor roll, perfect best friend? I mean, seriously? Lindsey was pathetic, I understand Arden’s need to protect her, but that girl does not deserve Arden as a friend if she can’t even take responsibility for her actions. Arden gets suspended and Lindsey goes on like nothing ever happened. What a bitch. Personally, if my friend ever did that to me you could count that friendship over. Arden herself wasn’t that great either. At first, I tolerated her and her constant need to care for everyone else. It was understandable, but it also pissed me off to no end. Enough is enough. That girl seriously needed someone to hit her over the head with a break. There is a certain line you don’t cross when it comes to protecting your friends or whoever else it may be – Arden was beyond the point of selfless, she was just an idiot. Being selfless means being kind without any thoughts about what could happen to oneself, but Arden took that to an entirely different level. Best friend who doesn’t give a shit about you stores pot in your locker? Sure, I’ll take the fall for it just so my friend can keep running on the track team, college isn’t that important anyway. Basically, that was Arden throughout what I read of the book. There came a point when I couldn’t stand it anymore and I had to walk away. Also, her obsession with loving people more than

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