Tone Of My Papa's Waltz By Roethke

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Roethke's “My Papa's Waltz” explores a complicated relationship between and alcoholic father and his son. The complex text uses stanzas and iambic trimeter to express tense situations between father and son. Roethke utilizes a direct address to, through the use of violent diction and painful imagery, illustrate the inner turmoil of the son as he “hangs on like death” to the dying connection he shares with his father. The narrator is a child terrorized by his abusive father and the insidious tone of the piece looks to demonstrate that “My Papa’s Waltz” is more disturbing than a playful romp around the bedroom. The poem is broken up into four stanzas and follows an iambic trimeter or an abab rhyme scheme. Roethke utilizes both the structure …show more content…

Though the author does not directly state that that father is abusive towards his son, Rothke alludes to violence through imagery. Abusive children are often seen with bruises on their wrist as their parents clench their arm in an effort to “control” their children. Roethke uses this fact to demonstrate to his readers that the son in his work is abused. Furthermore the author also uses words that carry a negative connotation such as battered and scraped, to allude to the sinister meaning behind the poem. The author's diction encapsulated the negative meaning to the poem and allowed the readers to realize abuse was occurring. To continue, Roethke uses the image of a waltz to add an ironic twist to the poem. “My Papa’s Waltz” has a positive connotation as waltzes are viewed by society as graceful dances. However, Roethke uses the image of a waltz to describe a father brutalizing his son. This contrast between the waltz and the content of the poem is ironic due to the graceful nature of the dance but the violent and messy nature of the poems content. Children with abusive parents tend to hid the abuse and the waltz in the story served as the image the family displayed to society, a perfect family, whereas the content of the poem represents the true nature of the

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