Tom Robinson Reflection

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Journal 4 Due date: Tuesday 24th Saylor Voss To Kill a Mockingbird I am reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and I am on page 304. This book is about two kids Jem and Scout. They are brother and sister. They only have a dad. His name it Atticus, and he is a lawyer who took a case for an African American man who supposedly raped a white women. Atticus lost the case. In this journal I will be Tom Robinson is a polite man. He is polite in more ways than one. He is a hard working man and after a long day at worked he walked home just like every other day. On his way home Mayella asked if he would be ever kind to help her move a chiffarobe, and Tom being the polite man he is, he agreed to help her with no pay. He wanted To could have easily said something horrible about Mayella in court but he chose not too. Not only is this the respectful thing to do, it is polite thing to do. Mayella and the lawyers gave him multiple chances to mess up and say something he would regret, but he did not want to take the risk of getting arrested for breaking the Jim Crow laws if he was proven innocent in the end. This brings me to my next topic. Tom Robinson is also persevering. He is persevering because Tom decided to make a living and get a job and start a family. The reason he needed to persevere is because of is childhood injury to his arm. When Tom was little he got it stuck in a meet grinder and so in result one of his arms is shorter than the other. Manual labor is hard as it is, so to do it when one arm is shorter than the other must have been really hard. Another reason why Tom is persevering is because chiffarobe’s are heavy and Tom decided to help her move the larger object after a long day at work. Tom had a long day and he still helped her move it with his arm, which not to mention had to be pretty difficult. He must have been pretty tired from work and still told The first outcome is that Tom will be proven guilty. One reason I think that he can be proven guilty is because when Bob Ewell came home and Tom was nervous and on edge. He knew that he did not do anything, but when Bob saw him even though he did not do anything wrong, he could get blamed for it. Tom Robinson ran off because of this. Tom did not ant any trouble especially because he did not try and do anything with her. A reason he can be proven guilty from this is because the jury can see that he tried to run because he did do something that he actually did not. Nothing happened but the jury could look at this in a different way. Another reason why I think that Tom could be proven guilty is because he said that he was sorry for Mayella. This Is unacceptable because of the Jim Crow laws. The laws state that you cannot talk down about a white person or put them below yourself. When Tom said he was sorry for Mayella it left the jury and every other person in the court in shock. Tom is sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in court, even if it breaks the Jim Crow laws. The last reason I think that Tom might loose is because he is a man of color. In the days that this book took place people of color or a different race rarely ever won in court. Even if everyone knew that they were innocent, they were more than likely still proven guilty. This is just what happened in those days. This now brings me to why I think he will be proven

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