Tokyo Trials Essay

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On July 7, 1937, the imperial Japanese army marched into Manchuria, China, and began to commit horrendous acts against the Chinese and other Asian countries alike. These war crimes included, rape, mass murder, human experimentation, biological warfare, torture, cannibalism, forced labor, and more. After the war, these crimes were to be judged by what is known as the “Tokyo Trials”. The Tokyo trials were very similar to the Nuremburg trials as they were both done to judge the crimes of the losers of the war. These trails were held to make sure the losers recognized that what they had done, was in fact, wrong. However, the conclusion to the Tokyo Trials had seemingly no effect on Japan as Japan has yet, to issue any “formal” apologies to China …show more content…

Since eighty percent of Japan’s population was born after the war, most Japanese people do not understand why neighboring countries harbor a grudge against them. This is because the government of Japan did a great deal in order to silence or conceal the truth of what Japan had done. The history textbooks were altered in a way that some can cover all of World War II in just 19 pages. Out of those 19 pages, only four footnotes were directly related to World War II events such as the “Nanjing Massacre”, the “Comfort Women”, “Bringing Korean and Chinese people to work in the mines”, and one last line about “Hiroshima and Nagasaki”. Furthermore, teachers in schools often leave World War II for the last unit, when students are all but ready to jump out of the classroom and sprint outside to embrace the summer. This blatant censorship can be found everywhere in Japan. A Japanese student was assigned to write an essay in English class and the topic was on the “Rape of Nanjing”. The student researched for about six months and discovered that there was huge controversy surrounding the topic because the Chinese say 300,000 were killed and many women were gang – raped while from Japanese sources they say the event never even happened. The Japanese sources claimed that the Chinese fabricated the whole incident up and that the photo evidence was made by the government as

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