Tobacco Production In Virginia During The 1600's

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Tobacco production was a big deal in Virginia during the 1600’s. It became the basis of making money, which during the time, was something colonists had been struggling with. The source shows us how much tobacco was sold, depending on the number of workers growing it. So for example, one worker who harvested 1000 plants (250 lbs.) would make 12 shilling if he sold the tobacco for 1 shilling a pound. On the other hand, 4 workers who harvested about 2,800 pounds of tobacco could make about 139.5 shillings each, if they were to sell a pound for 3 shillings. This data basically shows us how much tobacco was being produced and how much the workers were making. This source shows us how life in the Chesapeake area had prospered. The colonists

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