To Kill A Mockingbird Innocence Quotes

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The great author Ernest Hemingway once said that, “All things truly wicked start from innocence.” In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, several characters are portrayed as “mockingbirds” or innocent people. Some characters have an innocence that is not readily perceived. In the novel, Atticus Finch is a protagonist and the father of the narrator. He is the pride of Maycomb County and a talented, ethical lawyer. Bob Ewell on the other hand, is a drunkard and a blatant racist. He is of the Ewell clan and the scourge of Maycomb County. Despite the two characters being polar opposites, both are “mockingbirds”. Atticus supported a black man in rape case of Mayella Ewell- Bob Ewell’s daughter. however, both men’s behaviors are controlled by external, invisible forces.

Firstly we’ll analyze the white knight of Maycomb County, Atticus Finch. The innocence of Atticus Finch is evident throughout the novel. …show more content…

Innocence is a very prevalent characteristic in To Kill a Mockingbird. Innocence can be described as a category of ignorance. It is the lack of understanding of the irrationalities in the world. That lack of understanding can either elevate you like it did with Atticus, or destroy you like it did with Bob Ewell. Atticus’s innocence can be seen with a great clarity when he expected to win the case of Robinson v. Ewell even though Tom was a black man in a segregated time. His innocence is also prevalent when he speaks of having a good chance at an appeal for freeing Tom Robinson if Tom had stayed alive. Bob’s innocence is in his frustration. He was willing to take the lives of two children for the sake of family honor- an intangible thing that’s subject to change at any given moment. If anything, Bob probably cemented the Ewell name into infamy by the attempted murder of the Finch children. All characters are innocent to some extent- whether it be Martin Luther King Jr. or Adolf

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