To Kill A Mockingbird: How Children Follow Their Parents

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Fred Hardinge who is a DrPH, RD and is an internationally recognized as a motivational speaker on a range of health topics said, ¨All children, regardless of their age, pick parents as their number one role model¨( As Hardinge states, children are always watching what the elder people around them do and this influences them to follow their example. This illustrates how children would like to follow the examples of their parents and other influences around them. One reason children follow the examples of their parents and other influences is because their doubts get answered by them. To illustrate this, in To Kill a Mockingbird while explaining that children need answers Atticus Finch states,¨When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness sake. But don't make a production of it. Children are children, but they can spot an evasion faster than adults, and …show more content…

Some children are not only influenced by their parents but by others too because ¨Children look up to a variety of role models to help shape how they behave in school, relationships, or when making difficult decisions¨(AACAP n. pg.). People other than parents can influence the way a child is thinking and acting. Especially later in life, the things or role models that children picked up on when they were younger impacted the way they act now. The most common people that children pick as their role model are people like ¨...other relatives, teachers, coaches, and peers¨(AACAP n. pg.). Having picked certain people outside of the adults in a home for their role model a child can learn that there is more than one kind of person and also be influenced by more than one kind of person, creating who they want to be. With a child doing things that are close to the things done by the ones before them the outcome might be a new norm for

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