To Kill A Mockingbird Growing Up Analysis

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As kids, we all wanted to grow up, it seemed so easy. Even as little 1st graders we looked up to the 5th graders in awe. Little did we know that growing up wasn’t as easy as it seemed. Growing up involves finding who you really are, and people can easily change who you believe yourself to be. Celebrities, family, friends… Part of growing up is learning to experience life from other’s perspectives, and soaking in those perspectives to help you make your own decisions. In To Kill a Mockingbird this is shown through some of the unique events and characters the author, Harper Lee, creates within the storyline that takes place in the 1930’s. The theme that part of growing up is learning to see from other’s perspectives is shown in the character of Scout and Aunt Alexandra’s influence on Scout.

To begin with, the theme is …show more content…

When Cecil provokes Scout and triggers Scout to have the enticing feeling to fight him she thinks twice, “Somehow if I fought Cecil I would let Atticus down”(102). Scout has the ultimate urge to fight Cecil but her conscience kicks in and forces her to see her actions through her father’s eyes. Not only is her conscience a sign of her maturity but she listens to it. Instead of ignoring it’s forewarning, Scout soaks in the effect it would have on her father and decides against her actions. Another example of Scout maturing akin to this is when Jem and Reverend Sykes are discussing the Trial and Sykes interrupts Jem because he realizes Scout is there, Jem almost belittles his sister by saying “‘Aw, she doesn’t know what we’re talkin‘ about,’ said Jem. ‘Scout, this is too old for you, ain’t it?’”(278). To which Scout retaliates with, “‘It most certainly is not, I know every word you’re saying’” (278). In this case, Scout is doing two things. First, she’s seeing through Reverend Sykes’s eyes as well as Jem’s and acting accordingly to evade an awkward situation. As well as acting mature about it instead of ratting

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