To Kill A Mockingbird Film Analysis

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Do you know someone who have been accused of a crime while being innocent? In the movie To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson a black man is falsely accused of raping a white woman named Mayella Ewell. Today I'll be discussing how the movie To Kill a Mockingbird reinforces prejudice, gender, and social economy status.

On the book Interplay the Process of Interpersonal Communication prejudice is described as "an unfairly biased and intolerant attitude toward others who belong to an out-group". Atticus Is one of the main actors and he defends a black man named Tom Robinson. Atticus treats and respects every induvial as the same. For him it doesn’t matter what color, race, gender or ethnicity you are. But in the movie racism is the most evident prejudice. Racism is caused when white citizens of Maycomb County accepts the testimony of a white man but don’t accept the evidence supporting testimony from a black man. The white citizens of Maycomb don’t believe any of the words Robison is said at the court. Atticus knew he was saying the truth but it’s a white woman word over a black's man word. Power Distance is …show more content…

These social classes are separated on the occupation and skin color of everyone in Maycomb. For example, Atticus and his family are part of the high class because Atticus is a lawyer. He’s also part of the high class in the movie because he is respected by most of the community. People who are in a high-class status must help others who are in a low economic status or class status. An example of this was when Scout was fighting Walter Cunningham, Jem her brother invited him for dinner. Walter was a lot of gravy and when Scout noticed it she was rude to him. Which then she was punished by Calpurnia, the house keeper. The black folks are different from the white people in the movie. They accept anything they earned or have. The black people also respect each person just like they respect their family

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