Why The US Constitution Is The Land Of Equality For Everyone

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Although The United States is known as the land of the free, equality for all, the Constitution masks the fact that this country is all but equal and free. Dating back since the beginning of its’ rise, the country's government system fails to seek equality for everyone. Even though not all members of society are treated unfairly, the majority of women are not provided the same opportunities as men. A man walks into an interview for a new job. He walked into the room feeling confident and prepared for the new opportunity. This job is well paying and will allow him to start a new chapter in his life. A woman walks into an interview for the same job. She too, felt confident and prepared for the interview. Although she was highly qualified, she …show more content…

Although both of these people had the same qualifications for this job, in most cases, they will not be treated equally nor paid the same wage. The fundamentals of laws that everyone needs to follow; The most important thing keeping the U.S under control is the U.S Constitution. By the law of the Constitution: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” (US Const. amend. XIV, sec. 1). Everyone by law needs to be treated equally. All U.S citizens should be protected by the law. In many cases around the country, people are stripped of their human rights. In society’s eyes, women have to act like women and men act like men. These are stereotypes that everyone must follow or they are bound to be made fun of or discriminated. There are certain times in To Kill a Mockingbird that this came

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