To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 4-5 Analysis

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Themes found from Chapters 4-6: Growing Up and Prejudice Chapters 4 and 6 are mostly Growing Up, but Chapter 5 is a mix of Prejudice and Growing Up Chpt 4: When Scout finds gum in the knothole of the tree, she takes it just how a normal child would’ve done (Growing Up) Chpt 5: When Atticus finds Dill, Jem, and Scout bothering the Radley house, he tells the children not to disturb them, but the kids may still do it (Prejudice and Growing Up) Chpt 5: Miss Maudie teaches Scout that Boo is not crazy, he was a polite boy, but has been damaged by Mr. Radley’s lack of love and happiness (Growing Up) Chpt 6: Even though Atticus told the children not to mess with the Radley house, they still do it before Dill leaves (Growing Up)

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