To Build A Fire Naturalism Essay

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What is Naturalism? Naturalism exact definition is a style and theory of representation based on the accurate depiction of detail. In “To Build a Fire” by Jack London there are many examples shown of naturalism. They are shown through the characteristics, theme, conflicts, and symbols. A few characteristics of the young man in this short story are stubbornness and foolishness. Well the setting starts off first at day break it’s a cold and gray day. The man was on the Yukon trail but decided to take a different path was little traveled by others. He had not listened to the words of wisdom of the elder man who told him it was too cold to travel and that he should wait. His stubbornness got the best of him and he professed to travel to the “Boys”. …show more content…

He wanted to show that he’s skills were inferior to nature. The man was indeed skilled looking at his surroundings and very intellectual about facts. As Nature though, is the most powerful thing in Naturalism. Man cannot win against nature no matter how hard they try nature will always win. It is shown in the themes of “To Build a Fire” where it is the survival of the fittest. The man had the right equipment and had the knowledge but did not have the instinct like his dog had. The dog had fur that would make him less cold and when he got his paws wet it could lick the ice off. While the man did not have fur so he would have to make a fire, but build the fire in the wrong place. He builds it under a pine tree so when the smoke would rise it would melt off of the branches and fall onto the fire and put it out. This was the time that the man needs the fire the most but could not build another one in his hands were too numb to move. However this leads on to the conflicts where there are two type man vs. nature and man vs. fate. The man made the mistake of thinking he could win against the cold of nature and ends up dying because of it. There are a few symbols in “To Build a Fire” the man and the

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