Tiger Woods: The Gender Gap In Golf

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Tiger Woods, an amazing golfer, does this foolish act, “After outdriving his 29-year-old playing partner on the ninth hole, Woods handed him a Tampax branded tampon” (Fraser). Does this sound like fun? Well it’s not, there are many instances like this, outing “the girl” to someone because they are “weak”. Women for the past century have experienced so much stereotyping that women aren’t fully appreciated. They are there as a ‘helper’ or someone who doesn’t play golf; women are seen as spectators, not players. In today’s world, women who are professional golfers still face many challenges out on the golf course. While many claim the golf gender gap is closing, it's the opposite. There is a huge presence of the gender gap in golf because of its tournament prizes, outright sexism and bias, and due to the exclusion of women on …show more content…

Golf is not for women, it is for the affluent male citizens. Stephen Hennessey from Golf Digests informs, “Pine Valley, the exclusive men’s-only golf club in southern New Jersey and home to the No. 1-ranked golf course in the United States, voted to allow female members and unrestricted women’s play for the first time in its 108 years”. Pine Valley is finally allowing women on their course, the decision is recent news. Hopefully, many other clubs will join Pine Valley’s vision of women. Subsequently, the distinctive contrast between males and females. Foremost, do you know how unfair the tournament prizes are in golf? It’s enormous and unreal. Alex Windsor, from New York Weekly, informs, “For example, at the 2021 US Open, the top prize for male golfers was $2.5 million, compared to $1 million for female golfers”. That’s a 1.5 million-dollar difference. Furthermore, Elliott Heath of Golf Weekly, graduating with a sports journalism degree, reports: “OPEN: Men $1.935m, Women $675,000 - $1.26m difference. PGA: Men $1.82m, Women $645,000 - $1.175m

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