Tiberius Ignorance

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Tiberius, A Hindrance To Rome Tiberius was a hindrance to Rome’s success as an empire, and he made numerous poor decisions that caused the problems that eventually led to Rome’s downfall and dark age. Tiberius’s mother Livia wanted really badly for her son to become emperor. To please his mother, Tiberius married Augustus's daughter, Julia, whom Tiberius did not love, so he could become emperor. The Senate knew that Tiberius was up to no good and did not trust him. Also, Tiberius did not know how to rule, so as the adopted son of Augustus, he copied what his father did (Wasson). Imitating Augustus led to a disaster because Tiberius did not have the same skills needed to be emperor (“Tiberius”). Tiberius made Rome less politically stable by abandoning his responsibilities, creating paranoia, and by being indecisive. First, Tiberius ran away to Capri, an island off the coast of Naples, in the south of Italy, leaving his everyday responsibilities of being an emperor behind. Tiberius did not like being a military leader, nor did he enjoy the bad weather and angry soldiers he encountered along his trips, so Tiberius decided that he should take a vacation in Capri for the rest of his ruling. As a result, Rome was without an emperor. So Tiberius left his nephew, …show more content…

Tiberius fled Rome for Capri and avoided his role as emperor, all while mistreating citizens and ignoring his responsibility as a leader. Tiberius threatened the Jewish people of Rome and mistreated them in violent and cruel ways, and he told the citizens to think poorly about the important Romans in order to seem more powerful and desirable. As an indecisive leader, Tiberius could not create or develop his own plan to aid Rome’s future success. Due to Tiberius’s numerous character flaws, which included being an erratic and unreliable leader, Rome was unable to flourish under his

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