Reliability And Validity Essay

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Validity and Reliability Large- scaled, published, standardized testing encompass highly- technical and statistically sophisticated standards that are measured by validity and reliability (McMillan, 2013, p. 58). When thinking about validity and reliability in classroom assessment, there are four questions to consider: Why am I doing this assessment?, What techniques should I use to gather information?, How will I interpret the results (standards/ criteria being used)?, and How will I use the results? (McMillian, 2013, p.15).
Validity refers to the appropriateness of inferences, uses and consequences that result from an assessment. In a teacher made assessment, validity is connected to the students in which the test is being created for. It …show more content…

Pre-assessment is given prior to instruction to establish the students’ prior knowledge, their attitudes, and interest in the particular topic being assessed. Gathering pre-assessment data can help plan for instruction and future assessments. It is important to plan classroom assessments that meet student’s needs, not just academic needs but their motivational needs, too. Formative assessment takes place during teaching. Teachers can use formative assessments to plan questions to ask a specific group of students. Formative assessment can be used to determine which students are getting it and which students need individual instruction. In Hillsborough county, we use a term “catch and release”, formative assessment is used to help teachers know when all students are lost and need to be “caught” for some step by step teaching and then they can be “released” to try to the problem or question …show more content…

Summative assessment can be described as “assessment of learning”, as it provides immediate feedback as to how the students understood a specific unit of study. Formative assessment can be described as “assessment for learning” this is where teachers can judge students interest in a topic, their background knowledge and certify new learning. A new trend of assessment involves students being part of creating the assessment items. This is referred to as “assessment as learning”, with this type of assessment, students are engaged in their learning. They use their newly acquired knowledge to demonstration their learning by creating assessment criteria that will be used to evaluate their learning. When students are involved in the assessment process, they tend to be self- monitoring and show increased motivation in learning a new

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