Three Religious Traditions

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Question Two: Which of the three religious traditions that we have studied this fall would you follow if you had to choose a faith tradition other than your own? Explain your choice. On an individual level, religion can give people a community to be apart of, growing and worshiping together as fellow followers. Religion also can motivate people in their lives and their values, and beliefs that reflect the practices of that certain religion. Personally religion has helped me identify with people all across the world, and encouraged me to be a better person in my own religion. Not only does it provide faith in something, but compassion and love for those who love the religion such as themselves. Although there are religions all over the world, …show more content…

Muslims believe in one universal and supreme God, they believe he is creator of all and is a compassionate God. They believe strongly in helping other people, especially in need. Some of these practices stem from Abraham in Genesis, and other key leaders like Adam, and Jesus are also mentioned in their Bible, called the Qur’an. The Qur’an is composed of revelations from the prophet and leader Muhammed who is known as the founder of Islam and was a huge part is the spread of Islam. Before this class I knew very little of Islam, and the Muslims but after many lectures on the principles of Islam and key leaders like Muhammad and Ali, and a book, How Does it Feel to Be a Problem? Written by Moustafa Bayoumi, and a documentary that documents a women who converted to Islam from Catholicism, and joined some friend on the Hajj, apart of Islam’s’ Five Pillars. The book reflects a Muslim-American writer who interviews many Muslim Americans, Arab Americans and their hardships being suppressed by the incident of 9/11. The book really challenged that Islam is not violence and those people who call themselves Muslims causing destruction and terror are not in fact practicing Islam. This book allowed me to see through the eyes of real people and their lives and all the different hardships faced, it gave me a new respect and aspiration for the true Islam followers who practice whole heartily even if they are being suppressed by an incident, their true religion was not apart

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