Strategic Pricing: Key to Successful Healthcare Organizations

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One primary key to a successful health care organization is having a strategy to achieve the mission of the organization. This is particularly true in reference to creating a budget and generating revenue for a profitable bottom line of a hospital. Executives are experiencing a gap that is continuously widening between technology and hospital demands, which is causing additional conversation around pricing. According to Nugent (2004), there are three major themes to consider when it comes to strategic pricing. These themes include pricing at the margin (pricing new business to cover variable costs and margin, if capacity exists), cross-subsidizing (funding one service with profits from another service) and testing what the market will bear …show more content…

“Will demand drop if prices are increased, if so, by how much?” This is the question that is asked when speaking of price elasticity, however, this can be hard to evaluate due to price sensitivity. Outpatient services are assumed to be more elastic due to the method of payment with all or a large portion being collected prior to service. When prices are being determined, it is expected that reasonable costs and ROI (typically 8%), and losses from patients are covered. Establishing a price can be done by a method called “across-the-board” which was mentioned earlier or selective pricing which lends to the overall goal of a charge increase by increasing or decreasing each line item code. According to Cleverley (2003), utilizing selective pricing can display a 20-50% improvement in places where recovery is …show more content…

Prices are structured by the concept of supply and demand. Another strategy and even taking strategic pricing further is cost based pricing. This is the act of pricing based on an organizations cost to produce a product ( How projects subject to funding are defined, rules for price calculation and rules for updating the prices are another set of standards that should be examined. Accurately estimating the cost of services is pivotal in preventing consequences in the quality of healthcare. This is especially true of diagnosis related groups DRGs. Not only does the United States use DRGs but it has also spread throughout other countries (European countries refer to DRGs as healthbaskets or Euro

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