Restorative Justice Essay

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Restorative justice is a theory of justice that focuses on repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior. This is best accomplished through processes that allow all willing parties to meet. This can be done in other ways if parties do not wish to meet face to face. Restorative justice is a different way of thinking about crime and our response to crime. It focuses on repairing the harm caused by crime and attempting to prevent future harm through crime prevention. Restorative justice requires offenders to take responsibility for their actions and for the harm they have caused and seeks redress for victims, recompense by offenders and reintegration of both within the community. It requires a cooperative effort by communities and the government. Restorative justice programs allow the victim, the offender and affected members of the community to be directly involved in responding to the crime. The restorative process involves all parties often in face-to-face meetings. This is the most effective way of addressing the material and physical injuries caused by crime as well as the social, psychological and relational injuries as well. As stated …show more content…

This is a process designed to develop “consensus among community members, victims, victim supporters, offenders, offender supporters, judges, prosecutors, defense counsel, police and court workers on an appropriate sentencing plan that addresses the concerns of all interested parties.” The goals of circles include promoting healing of all those that were affected, giving the offender the opportunity to make things right, giving victims, offenders, family members and communities a voice and a chance to find solutions, addressing underlying causes of criminal behavior, and building a sense of community around “shared community values.” Circles were adapted from certain Native American traditional practices and are being used throughout North

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