Three Challenges that Educational Leaders Face Today

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Educational Leaders Challenges
The educational environment is one that is built and founded on principles that were created in the 20th century. Its roots stem from this earlier century as well as from even more historic time periods. Most recently, demand for 21st century skills has created vast excitement and interest (Reeves, 2013). However, the curriculum and the assessment process that is currently being practiced in the learning environment is one that continues to be utilized with through the foundational basis of earlier centuries.
While the desire and the urgency for 21st century skills is highly publicized, curriculum continues to be rooted in that of 20th century practices and current assessment practices struggle to advance from those procedures conducted as far back as the 16th century through the use of multiple choice tests established during the Ming dynasty in China (Reeves, 2013). Desire for advancements in both curriculum and assessment practices pale in comparison to the inadequate and sincere pledge to modern learning.
This paper reviews the presence of three challenges that face educational leaders today: assessment gap, teaching gap, and leadership gap. Each one of these challenges critically impact the learning environment of the current educational system and it is vital that each one be identified, addressed, and corrected so that its presence can be minimized and its effects neutralized.
Challenge #1: The Assessment Gap
While there has been much debate on the skills needed for modern day effectiveness, there are a few that can be adequately determined as vital and necessary for personal and organizational advancement. First, the need for effective communication is vital to the successful ...

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...f the actual benefit to its inclusion. It is in this way that leadership could have better addressed my concerns and my eagerness to promote the well being of my team and my store.

Works Cited

Bartalo, D. G. (2013). The teaching gap. Retrieved from
Jaschik, S. (2009). The assessment gap. Retrieved from
Kouzes, J. & Posner, B. (2008). The leadership challenge. (4th Ed.). San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Reeves, D. B. (2013). Three challenges for education leaders. Retrieved from
Skinner, R. A. (2011). The leadership gap to come. Retrieved from

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