Three Branches Of The Tyranny System

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Imagine living in a world where the President enslaved everyone. No one had the right to impeach the President or do anything to stop him. Thankfully, we have a system that prevents this tyranny. There are three branches of government. They are the legislative, executive and judicial branches. We have the Constitution that was signed by the Founding Fathers in 1789, written by James Madison. He wrote it to prevent tyranny. If someone in the government creates tyranny, it means that they are using their power for selfish reasons and unfairly overrule anything that they were governing. There are four ways that the Constitution prevents tyranny. Those four ways include federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances and big states versus …show more content…

It gives the government branches power but ensures that they are all kept under control. According to James Madison’s Federalist Paper #51 states “Hence a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will each control each other, at the same time that each will be controlled by itself.” Which means that the government will grow to be powerful, yet equal. They all have power that they divide and keep things fair and equal between the branches. If they weren’t equal, branches would fail to fulfill their purposes and government would fall. Separating powers between the branches of government improves the argument of federalism because it gives every branch power but keeps them equal enough to stay powerful enough to hold the government up and running. In Madison’s Federalist Paper #47, he says “Liberty that requires that the three great departments of power should be separate and distinct.” Meaning that all the branches are powerful but will be equal in their own ways. With all the branches have strong power yet equal, it keeps tyranny from …show more content…

Small States Compromise prevents tyranny by giving both big states and small states a say in their votes on polls. In the House of Representatives, the bigger states should be happier with their votes because in the House of Representatives, each state is addressed with the number of representatives based on population of the state so big states like California that have a bigger population, their votes on polls will be more heard because of their population. In the Senate, however, each state only has two representatives which is an advantage for small states because their votes are just as equal with bigger states. In the Constitution, Article 1, Section 2, it says “Representatives...shall be apportioned...according to…[population]... The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one representative” and in the same article, but the third section, it says “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, chosen by the legislatures thereof for six years.” Which means that the Constitution will give every state a chance to have a voice when voting. This compromise keeps keeps all states satisfied with their chance to vote in a poll. This helps prevent tyranny because it ensures that none of the states will rebel or is unsatisfied with their volume of

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