Threats In Social Media

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Facebook requires no real life verification to create a page, I could make a page and say that I was “Taylor Swift” and that would be my name on the page. Facebook also doesn’t have an age limit anymore, meaning that anyone can make a page no matter what age, so this is also an issue. Cyber bullying is a major issue among people of all ages. There have been countless suicide attempts from posts on Facebook, from people with anonymous pages spewing hateful messages, harassing comments and disturbing images. People have been known to blackmail each other using the social network. (Won, 2013). Threats sometimes come from ex-lovers to share embarrassing pictures to the whole network of their friends on the social media site, sometimes to thousands of people. This happens in demographics of all ages and sexes.
Have you ever posted a picture or an achievement and someone has said something derogatory toward it? The American Psychiatric Association has conducted a random study among Facebook users checking for major depressive episodes (mde) in either their status updates or how they tend to comment on their peers updates. (Rogers, 2009). The users revealed symptoms such as disinterest in activities, sleeping problems, feelings of guilt, or recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. Also reported by American Psychiatric Association was that teens often report more about themselves on social network sites rather than in person. (Rogers, 2009)
With over 500 million users world wide, Facebook has caused many to have their eyes glued to their phone, tablet, or computer screen. (Kross, 2009). People of all ages are logging on Facebook and wasting quality developmental, family and relationship time. Constantly people are checking up on what othe...

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...ularity. (Hass, 2006). Regardless of age Facebook can be bad for self-esteem therefore possibly resulting in depression. If you really want to connect with people we need to pick up the phone and make a phone call or meet up for a reconnection. If you do not want people knowing your business, it does not need to be posted on Facebook or any social media site for that matter. Facebook is a sad substitute for real face-to-face interaction. (Rogers, 2009). In my opinion I believe it is time to click the “X” button or go ahead and deactivate our Facebook and have some real face-to-face interaction. See if anyone will notice that you’re missing or try to contact you in the real world. If they do they are more than likely a real friend and someone you should get to know better. (Moreno, 2012) Studies show this does exist and is coined by the term “Facebook Depression.”

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