Thomas Paine Pros And Cons

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Thomas Paine was an influential individual at his time, whose most famous work, Rights of Man, described America as a safe heaven for those trying to start a new life, where no individual would be over privileged, men would be equal, and the government would not be corrupt. Although the America of today has improved substantially over the two-hundred or so years since Paine’s, Rights of Man, providing several benefits for the the poverty-stricken, and improving culturally as a people, America is plagued with over privileged wealthy men who run the government and control the public, acting as puppet masters, who control the will of the people through a corrupt government. So although Thomas Paine was correct about America’s benefits for the …show more content…

Programs such as W.I.C. and the SNAP program offer a type of welfare needed for those less financially-able to purchase their food. Other government sectors have offered dental care aid to those families meeting the requirements for aid with programs such as Dental Aid which offers quality dental service to low income families for a margin of the price. There are scholarships offered to those of culturally diverse backgrounds for Native Americans and people of Hispanic backgrounds. Paine also described America as a culturally diverse group of people and today that still stands with about sixty percent of Americans being purely white and the other forty percent being of a set of diverse ethnicities. The rights Paine described, although limited, are very present today with every man having the right to suffrage, and every one having the same opportunity if they were to start of at the same financial level. The government although not being the best does allow people their rights to keep them in a happy state. So in several ways Paines envisioned America still holds up today, with the government being just, diversity being plentiful, and underprivileged men having aid to help them succeed in this …show more content…

The poor don't have the same opportunities as the upper class citizens, with only forty-five percent of these students being accepted into college. The poor are even more likely to be neglected when applying to a job, and even more when you are of colored skin. This is even more apparent with higher positioned jobs for example the federal government, where most positions are held by wealthy white men. Men don't live comfortably in a society where conflicts always around the corner, harmony, something paine envisioned isn't very evident today. Police brutally is something commonly seen, more so with colored men, with several movements like the black lives matter movement being a reality. With past year's election gone and done many question the future of America as a nation as a bigoted racist man has been elected president. Donald trump is the complete opposite to what Paine envisioned america to be, racist occurrences have now increased due to the newly elected president. Donald Trump is just the definition of what's wrong with America, hes rich and privileged white man. The government doesn't do much to help out the poor community, many towns are run down and no help from the government in seen. The country is in debt, and Detroit is a prime example of that

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