Thomas Jefferson's Strengths And Weaknesses

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Treasury Secretary Jack Lew’s proposal to introduce a woman onto American currency, although meant to make up for an injustice, does not come without a major flaw. Lew’s proposal to remove Alexander Hamilton from his prominent position on the ten dollar bill relegates an influential historical figure. Although it is important to recognize women’s contributions to America, it should not be done at the expense of Hamilton when an undeserving man such as Andrew Jackson is honored on the $20 bill. Due to the debate surrounding America’s currency, Thomas Jefferson’s worthiness of being on the nickel has also been questioned. Admittingly, all men and women have their weaknesses, but it is important to recognize when those weaknesses outweigh their strengths. …show more content…

Throughout his time in office, Jackson set an important example by exercising the president's right to veto. Apart from setting this precedent, he did not help paint American in the best light. When Jackson forcefully removed Native Americans from their land, he opened up land for white subjects, but the ends did not justify the means. He went against the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Worcester v. Georgia case and ended up indirectly killing thousands of Native Americans on the Trail of Tears. Jackson’s racism towards Native Americans can be attributed to the time period but his blatant disregard of the law was inexcusable. Furthermore, it is ironic that Jackson, a man opposed to the Bank of the United States and the “economic aristocracy” he believed it represented, was placed on paper currency. His active resistance towards the Bank of the United States eventually led to its end which resulted in the Panic of 1837, a financial crisis that continued into the mid 1840’s. Removing Hamilton in order to retain Jackson, a president worthy of impeachment, on the ten dollar bill would be a significant blunder on Lew’s

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