Thomas Aquinas Argument For The Existence Of God

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Thomas Aquinas who was also known as the “Angelic Doctor” was a Greek philosopher who was born in Aquino, Italy in 1225 A.D. was the seventh son to a family of low nobility(his family did not have a lot of money). He was introduced to the works of Aristotle when he attended the University of Naples. In 1244 Aquinas became a friar of the Dominican order. Aquinas died in 1274 at the age of forty-nine and was canonized later as a saint in 1323. Aquinas philosophy was a mix between Christian theology and Aristotle’s beliefs. He believed that everything could not cause its own existence and depended on something else to exist. Aquinas also came up with five different arguments to prove that God existed, and that God is the reason that we (humans) exist. …show more content…

I agree with Aquinas belief that not everything can cause its own existence and is dependent on something else because I know that I was not able to create my own existence and decide that I wanted to live on earth. For example, if someone was to say that their existence was because of their parents than another question would arise which would be what caused your parents existence, it would be a never-ending cycle. No one would ever get the answer of how they really exist. This is how Aquinas was able to determine that we exist because of the existence of God. There was once a time when earth had no animals or humans living on it, so their had to be a higher being (God) that put life on earth. I do not believe that humans and animals just showed up on earth out of thin air without the help of a higher

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