Third Wave Feminism

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Women were to get fired from any jobs they had when they became pregnant because they had to leave work to take care of their newborn due to an unexpected pregnancy. Feminist theory aims to understand the nature of gender inequality and by looking into roles of women and men in society. (Brabeck, M. and Brown, L. (with Christian, L., Espin, O., Hare-Mustin, R., Kaplan, A., Kaschak, E., Miller, D., Phillips, E., Ferns, T., and Van Ormer, A.) 'Feminist theory and psychological practice', in J. Worell and N. Johnson (eds.) Shaping the future of feminist psychology: Education, research, and practice (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1997), pp.15-35) Rethinking society with feminist theory, looking at the history and old …show more content…

Even though feminists’ problems were addressed in first and second waves of feminism, many other issues developed as life kept going and globalization. Things like date and spousal rape, sexual harassment in workplaces, and violence against women. It did help to unleash the third wave of feminism. Arguably, the biggest challenge that faced third wave feminism was that the gains of second wave feminism were taken for granted, and the importance of feminism not understood. Spousal and date rape was a huge issue that faced women in the 1990s, and in many cases men got away with it. Women were scared and ashamed from public shame. Date rape was and still is a big issue to the point feminists today and feminist movements and representatives through media, song, presentations try very hard to encourage to educate everybody about it. Sexual harassment in the workplace still takes place and many are afraid to speak about it. Third wave feminism became very aggressive in this goal because of the famous "Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas" sexual harassment hearings. When Anita Hill was not really believed in the Senate hearings, third wave feminists have made it a goal to fight against patriarchal sexual harassment in the workplace to this day. Violence against women was increasing very fast. There are many cases where women were abused from spouse, siblings and parents due to religious beliefs where women were murdered in the …show more content…

Sydie, the feminist theory says that the creation of knowledge is the main concern of feminism. With knowledge, people and specifically women become aware and it creates power. ( Sydie 1994) The three waves of feminisms brought an incredible amount of knowledge and awareness to people, women, young women and they are the reason women have their rights today. From getting the right to vote, discussing sexual related issues, education, equal treatments as citizens, equal work opportunities, and violence against women, people noticed how these things looked like before, how they evolved and how long it took and still takes to battle with a major social issue that affects our everyday life. Fighting to get these rights was and still a must. The three waves helped connecting the dots to build a bridge of freedom for all those who are imprisoned in an injustice lives. The three waves of feminisms spoke in every language to all people to say women deserve to have their rights saved and respected. Nowadays, a fourth wave is still going and will be going until every woman gets what she deserves from rights and get treated equally as part of the community. Until today women across the world are still being abused in many ways. The world awareness about women's rights is still weak. In developed countries this awareness is happening very widely, but in developing countries women might not even be aware that they deserve bylaws way more than they get. Hard work of

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