Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

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When it came down to choosing a book from the choices provided, I just had to select Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This is a great book to read if you are having financial trouble in your life or if you are just need some motivation to get you going in the right path. Napoleon Hill is a acclaimed author who teaches you in this book the 13 success principles used by the great success stories of the early 20th-century. Napoleon Hill interviewed with William Wrigley, Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie and 500 others. He gives you the secrets that helped these great leaders rise to the top in their respected industries. Many of today's top achievers credit Napoleon Hill's work as being the blueprint to their success. Access the secrets that helped great leaders rise to the top. For three decades Napoleon Hill studied, interviewed and interpreted the habits, attitudes and knowledge of great achievers, like brilliant inventors such as Edison, Ford and Bell and rich and powerful businesspersons such as Carnegie, Wrigley and Rockefeller. I was given this book from my mother who has read this book several times and has grown to appreciate its value and how much it could help me in my life at whatever I choose to do. Therefore, it would only make since from me to pick this book over the others as soon as I saw it on the list.

In chapter 1, it talks about the starting point of all achievements is desire. He writes that the desire or impulse to achieve something in life can be so great that any obstacles no matter how big or small can stop an individual from reaching the goal he has set up for himself. A person with burning desire, an obsession with success can go to any lengths until he succeeds. Failure does not bother him and...

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...n, which receives vibrations of thought ordinarily, called hunches. Understanding the sixth sense is very difficult; it comes only by meditation through mind development from within.

What the most beneficial thing I have learned form all of this is that over 20 Million people have read Think & Grow Rich: by Napoleon Hill, but unfortunately most people don't take it to heart, they scan read it, don't discover the secret, then put it down and never pick it up again. My goal it let anyone who need help with what so ever problem they might have in there life to fully read this book as many times as possible, so that they have knowledge and satisfaction of knowing, that they have the ability to do or be as successful as they want to be in the there lives as they allow themselves to, because whatever the mind of a man or woman can conceive and believe it can achieve it!

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