Things I Carried-Personal Narrative

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Things I Carried-Personal Narrative I was carrying my whole life with me, as I walked towards the aircraft. I was carrying two suitcases, filled mainly with clothes and books. I know they were less than 20 kilograms because that was the permissible weight. I could not feel their weight as they were on the trolley. I had a backpack on my shoulders. It contained some eatables, some clothes, a novel, some magazines, a portable CD player, some CDS, a deck of cards, and an inflatable pillow. I was well prepared for my long flight. In my hand I carried as brown leather case containing my passport, visa, and all other personal documents and papers. If I were to lose that case, technically I would cease to exist. Other than that, I had a tennis racket slung over my left shoulder. In short, I was carrying almost all my belongings with me. But that was not all I was taking with me. I was carrying with me memories of 18 years. Things and incidents, long forgotten, resurfaced in my mind, with incredible detail. Every face around me reminded me of uncountable incidents. I was carrying with me a sense of tremendous loss. But, at the same time, I was also carrying with me hope and excitement. A new world called me, and I was looking forward to go there. To protect me in this new place, I had a holy red thread tied on my wrist. That was the explanation my Mom had given me when she was tying it. Though I did not necessarily agree with her, looking at the thread did bring a warm feeling in my heart. It symbolized the love and blessings of my parents which I carried with me, wherever I went. Part - 3 My story is basically consists of two parts. In first three-fourths of the story I have tried to word the whole experience of leaving my home a... ... middle of paper ... ...tion of college. Most people I knew were surprised by this choice. Mostly, everyone who comes to study, stays back. I could not bring myself to stay back because I realized that I simply did not belong in America. As much as I had enjoyed staying there, I wanted to go back home, and there was only one place in the world I thought of as home; India. It has been about a year since I left America. Upon graduation I got a lot of decent offers from American firms, but I stuck to my decision. I came home, and took up a job in my home town. I often wonder as to how different my life would have been had I stayed back in the U.S. I would probably be earning ten times more, driving a much better car on much better roads, living in a far more luxurious home. Sounds like I cut myself a bad deal? If you could see the smile on my face right now, you would know my answer.

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