Thesmophoria Women

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showed the social life of women by presenting the opposite of what they were expected to do. Therefore, cultic practice and social life was inseparable in ancient Greece because the Thesmophoria presented what women should not do in social life. To continue, women were expected to be modest and quiet. This is the opposite of what is expected of them at the Thesmophoria. It is noted that, “ritual obscenity marks a complete reversal of the model of the modesty and silence expected of Athenian wives.” In the Thesmophoria women were loud, making jokes and being what was considered very inappropriate in that time. Women were for a short amount of time allowed the freedom to relax and not worry about being judged by their actions. When the Thesmophoria is over every year women must return to being quiet and modest. Therefore, cultic practice and social life is inseparable in ancient Greece because cultic practice dictated how women should not act. In addition, attending the Thesmophoria was part of the social life for women.In a primary source it notes attending the Thesmophoria as part of what women always did:
Then the women sit down to cook, just as they always did; they carry things on their head just as they …show more content…

It was noted that, “By the fourth century, under the influence of their fathers and husbands, a few women rejected traditional roles and turned to the study of philosophy; the notion of marriage for the sake of children began to yield to an ideal of companionate union for mutual fulfillment.” This quotation is attempting to show readers that women were beginning to dislike and reject the roles they have been given in social life. A possible reason for this is the myth of Demeter. It is clear that in that myth her daughter Persephone was far from happy at what had become of her. Therefore, myth and social life are tied together in ancient

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