Thesis Statement For Hall Of Fame

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Hall of Fame Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, Shaq. What do all of these people have in common? They’re all great NBA (National Basketball Association) players that they made it in the Hall of Fame. How do people get in the Hall of Fame? How does the Hall of Fame work? What do players need to get in the Hall of Fame? *Thesis Statement: It takes a long time to get in the NBA Hall of Fame. What is the way to get in the Hall of Fame for NBA. One of the ways to get in the Hall of Fame is by making it in the All Star game. A player has to get voted in the all star game by fans. Then, they get picked by a captain to see if they are in - the more votes they have, the better. If a captain picks a player, then the player are in the All-Star Game and is one step closer to the Hall of Fame (Naismith 2). Thesis Statement: That is not all what a player has to do to get to the Hall of Fame. …show more content…

Body Paragraph 2 : When a player retires then the screening committee has to vote on that player. If the 7 out of 9 screening committee members have to vote on you and then you are on step closer to the Hall of Fame. Then if a player gets that many people to vote on him in the screening committee they have to vote again at the end of the screening committee. If a player gets at least 3 votes out of the 9, then he goes to the honor committee but that is a long story so we will skip that. Before you go to the honor committee the screening committee checks your record to see if you have done any bad things. (Naismith 1). A player called Dennis Rodman was kicked from the NBA Hall of Fame.

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