Thesis For The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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The Lottery was a short story by Shirley Jackson. In a small village of about 300 , on every June 27th, they have a lottery. The Husbands pick a slip of paper from an old black box, then wait to open the paper till announced. After the papers were opened, whoever had a black dot on the paper would “win” the lottery. In this case, Mrs. Hutchinson was declared the winner. She had received many “congratulations.” In the short story, “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, the symbolism and theme appeared to have been very shocking, the title had meant something a little different than what the reader had in mind.
The definition of theme is the message about life or human nature that is “the focus” in the story that the writer tells (Literary 2). The …show more content…

The second example for the theme is when the character states, “”It isn’t fair, it isn’t right”, Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her” (Jackson, page 7). This illustrates that Mrs. Hutchinson is terrified of her surrounding. She screams of fear, because the villagers remembered to have stones, meaning some kind of threat is going towards Mrs. Hutchinson. From one of my sources, the publisher states that, “In the case of both the lottery cash, paper can mean fortune, either good or bad - and it’s disturbing how much life (and wealth) can be left up to the gambles of chance” (Shmoop, page …show more content…

The second example for symbolism would be when the narrator states, “Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, and she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved on her. “It isn’t fair,” she said” (Jackson, page 7). This shows that the villagers were preparing themselves to stone Mrs. Hutchinson. As the villagers were surrounding her, Tessie tried to protect herself by putting her hands out, and telling them that it wasn’t fair. From another one of my sources the publisher states, “Stones are also significant as murder weapons because the first human tools were made of stone; this lottery really does seem to have its ancestors in the earliest type of violent human ritual”(Shmoop, page 1).
The definition of Irony is, a technique that involves surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions or something else. My first example is when the narrator states, “It had a black spot on it, the black spot Mr. Summers had made the night before with the heavy pencil in the coal company office”(Jackson, page 7). This shows that Tessie was trying not to let anyone see her paper, because she saw that she was the

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