Theories Of Psychoanalysis In Dexter Morgan's 'Dexter'

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“There are no secrets in life, just hidden truths that lie beneath the surface” Dexter Morgan “Crocodile" Season 1 Episode 2
The above quote is representative of Dexter’s trials and tribulations on a daily basis and in a way, of every individual’s too. The quote suggests that each one of us have an alternate true self which may come out to surprise us any day. Where does this alternate self dwell? It dwells deep inside our unconscious mind. The question that arises then is why do we hide our alternate true self even from ourselves? It’s because reality is too terrible and traumatic for us to be able to handle it. It provokes too much anxiety for our conscious mind. In order to prevent our unconscious mind take over, we twist and distort reality and keep pretending that everything is just fine. The unconscious mind plays these neat tricks every moment on us, so that we can blend into the crowd and avoid numbing pressure of reality and go sleep at night.
Dexter is the lead character of famous crime, drama and mystery TV series, “Dexter”. The TV series is a treat for the psychologically minded …show more content…

Id represents the most bestial and carnal wants of human behavior. Id operates on the basis of pleasure principle which can be defined as a decadent drive to seek out pleasure and avoid pain. Thus, it is the most unconscionable and selfish part of our psyche. "It is the dark, Inaccessible part of our personality. And most of it is of a negative character." Freud. Sigmund Freud saw this dark side as the core of our personality because it makes up the majority of our personality. In Dexter TV series, Dexter Morgan has always had homicidal wants which seems to be directed by an inner voice which he terms as “the Dark Passenger”. He considers himself separated from humanity and refers to humans as if he is not one himself. Hence the Dark Passenger fits the description of

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