Theodore Roosevelt: Visionary And Ethical Leader

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Have you ever seen a passenger pigeon? How about a dodo? Probably not, because they’re extinct. These birds and many other animals were hunted to extinction by trophy hunters looking to fill their walls and shelves without any concern for preservation of the species. Theodore Roosevelt saw the effect of man’s expansion across the world, and saw in it a prudent need to preserve the life of many different types of animals, a need for humanity that outweighed the need to conquer, expand and invade the natural world. This conservationist attitude demonstrated that he was both a visionary and ethical leader. He had a distinct vision of a strong future nation with the foresight to protect its natural areas and wildlife as invaluable treasures. …show more content…

Toner’s 3 D’s. He discerned the value of the resource, made a declaration of truth, of their importance and then ensured that federal resources would be allocated for years to come to protect the areas and the wildlife within them (Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education, 2016). These executive actions were justified because they not only did he make a moral decision in protected the park areas and the wildlife within, but because they have since and will continue to benefit people for many more …show more content…

When it came to enjoying the national parks, I was taught that if you value something, you should take care of it. This can be your home, the community around it or even your work center. As to how this applies to me as an aircraft maintainer in my work center, I am constantly challenged to get the most mileage out of the resources that are available. One of the ways that we are taught to be good conservators of these resources is by implementing a comprehensive foreign object awareness and damage prevention program. This begins on day one, and helps to prevent unnecessary costs incurred by preventable damage. By taking ownership of the flight line, I am actively doing my part to conserve resources that allows my squadron to accomplish our mission. This is can be as simple as if I see something on the ground, I know that I need to pick it up. To me, this is the same as picking up trash in a park. I didn’t leave that rock on the flight line, and I will not be piloting the aircraft on the taxiway. By picking up the rock, I make sure that I preserve the area as I found it in order for it to be useable by the aircrew getting ready to launch out, and I save our engine mechanic some work when the jet returns, assuming that the rock didn’t cause a catastrophic failure. This also translates to how I behave when I participate in when I

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