Themes of Obsession in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray

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Obsession in its nature is toxic; it turns people into gods, and leaves no room for their actual selves. Celebrities are the idols of the modern world, where ever they go, a fan follows them dying to get their attention. Dorian Gray, who was loved by nearly all of London for his charm and beauty, who’s biggest fan, Basil, worship of him lead to bitterness. The theme of obsession in The Picture of Dorian Gray is seen through both those who worship Dorian Gray, and the portrait, which is the object of Dorian's obsession. Although Wilde displays obsession through Basil's worship of Dorian, and even Dorian's obsession with himself and his youth, the modern day celebrity is a parallel to Dorian, who is worshipped by many at first for their beauty, wealth or fame, but the nature of the worship eventually leads to chaos.
Obsession is described as a persistent thought dominating the mind, but of all the types of obsession, idolatry is the most common example, which is seen through both Basil’s worship of Dorian, and society’s worship of celebrities. Basil’s worship of Dorian is depicted early in the book, before Dorian is even a real introduced. Basil expresses how powerful his feelings for this man are, “Something seemed to tell me that I was on the verge of a terrible crisis in my life…It was not conscience that made me do so: it was cowardice. I take no credit to myself for trying to escape,” (Wilde 10). Dorian has so much control over Basil that he feared he would lose control of himself, that the intensity of his feelings would lead to a crisis, showing exactly how powerful obsession can be. Basil’s feelings for Dorian cannot be seen as love, especially later on in the novel, he confesses he believes Dorian is truly perfect and had f...

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... light. It is the nature of obsession, to be admired so passionately eventually leads to a shift in approval.
Obsession is the most compelling theme of The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dorian’s obsession with his beauty and youth, and Basil’s worship of Dorian, are a driving force. Dorian’s tale is similar to every celebrity that has been adored only to fall in public approval when their true natures are revealed. There is no doubt that Dorian is a celebrity in his time, he is adored by many in London like a celebrity would be admired today. The idolatry, quest for beauty, and downfall of obsession are seen in fiction as well as reality, through Dorian’s obsessions and modern day obsessions like plastic surgery or following a favorite celebrity on every form of social media. Obsession is a toxic force that has a hold on humans regardless if it is in fiction or reality.

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