Themes In 'Utopia By Thomas More And Ecotopia'

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In the novels Utopia, written by Thomas More and Ecotopia, written by Ernest Callenbach there are many similarities between the themes in these two utopian societies. One theme mentioned in both novels is the status of women; women are viewed as slightly differently in the Utopian verse Ecotiapian society. Another theme with similar features is happiness; the two societies portray happiness for those who live there. The citizens in both societies are productive members, working towards sustainability. They respect agriculture, growing crops from season to season, allowing all to be fed. In the novel Utopia, the status of women is slightly less than of a man. Women report to their husbands, however are not viewed as less. Every citizen occupies a role in society, women "practice the lighter crafts, such as working in wool or linen" (More, 2011, p.45). The lighter jobs may be related to the strength of women, being less than of a man, Women also prepare and cook the food at the halls. They sit towards the outside, while men sit backs …show more content…

Women are respected and admired in both novels. The women from these stories seem happy and live fulfilled lives. They are treated well, and for the Ecotopians are in charge of the government. Happiness is prevalent for both the Utopians and the Ecotopians. The citizens work together for the greater good in harmony. Both societies have what they need to survive and to continue for the future. The individuals like to gather and spend time with one another. The theme of sustainable living is common within each society. Agriculture is a major part of both Utopia and Ecotopia. Their lands are fertile, and all are provided for. The good of the society takes prevalence over the good of the individual. Buildings are built to last, and clothes are made to withhold over time. They look towards the future, and respect the

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