Themes In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird Everyone is living in the real world, it is just when someone starts becoming aware of their surroundings that gives them pain the most. The desire to escape is shown throughout the classic book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Taking place during the Great Depression in the South at a town called Maycomb County, characters in the book go through life and they find it hard to face some of the events that happen around them. Some people become uneasy once they have to face reality or the truth. Dill, Tom Robinson, and Scout have their own way of dealing with pain and the desire to escape reality. The pain that these three characters face is too much to endure which pushes them over the edge, one way or another. The …show more content…

As Aunt Alexandra has been living with the family she has started judging Scout's clothes, "I could not, possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches; when I said I could so nothing in a dress, she said I wasn't supposed to be doing things that required pants" (Lee 108). As Scout grows, up she faces the force of adulthood, which involves her becoming more lady like. Once Scout realizes that she has to give up part of her past, she feel reluctant to do so. Aunt Alexandra tries to push Scout into the family legacy, but instead Scout feels the need to hide from the reality of moving on which means growing up. Scout wants to be herself and not forced to be a "Finch". She doesn't want to be molded into something or someone that she's not. Scout escapes the pressures of being a "lady" by hanging out with her brother and Father, where she was more at "home" and not surrounded by "hypocrites"- fragrant ladies. Scout's need and desires to be herself are not acceptable within her community and it pains her to convert to becoming a "Finch", a stereotypical Southern …show more content…

When faced with difficult situations or decisions to make, each character has their own mechanism to cope. Dill is mortified by the disrespect shown by Mr. Gilmer towards Tom Robinson within the trial and could not understand the incivility taken place. While Tom Robinson was still working on the case, Scout was trying to deal with her transition of growing up. Finding ways to deal with personal situations and realities are faced each day. In conclusion, Dill, Tom Robinson, and Scout escape their problems to help ease their

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